Thursday, December 07, 2023

What's the Dream?

Simon Cowell often begins the brief interview with America's Got Talent with "what's the dream?" What's your MVB dream?

You write your narrative with 'why'. Author Matt Haig writes that every story distills to 'someone searching for something'. 

1. What's your why?

2. What will you do for skill, tactics, physicality, and psychology to become that?

3. Do you have the potential to reach that lofty goal?

4. What help will you need as far as training resources, coaching, mentoring? Remember Mr. Rogers' advice, "look for the helpers." 

5. What are you prepared to sacrifice for the dream? How important is this for you? 

6. When you encounter obstacles, do you redouble your efforts or slink from the challenge? 

Successful people need great process to get results. Plan your 'ascent' of the mountain and get the right people and tools for your expedition. Remember that the wind blows hardest at the top of the mountain. 

Lagniappe. Arlene Blum leads a 1978 ascent on Annapurna, an 8000 meter peak. 


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