Friday, December 22, 2023

Wanting Versus Doing

I've cared for a lot of patients with advanced lung disease over the past forty plus years. I've heard many spouses say, "my spouse won't help around the house" or "he won't take out the trash."

I usually say, "your spouse would love to do more or heavier work. Their illness causes severe shortness of breath. They can't."

What does it feel like to have severe lung disease? Take about a 3/4 deep breath in. Now you can't let it out. You can only breathe in and out from that overinflated lung status. It's similar to preparing to jump, from standing straight up, without being able to flex knees and hips. You can't generate force because the muscle "length-tension" relationship is impaired. 

What does that have to do with you? Running sprints and working hard is a time-limited privilege. Enjoy it. Relish practice. Devour it.   


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