Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Space Program - What Is Your Place?

Learn across domains. 

Amy Poehler's MasterClass on improv discusses success elements including "taking up space."  

She refers to metaphorical space, meaning:

  • Being seen
  • Being heard
  • Being impactful 
  • Being integral to making a scene work 
Be seen. If you have game, walk onto the court like you own it. Announce to opponents "I'm here" and I make a difference. 

Be heard. Early, loud, often. Talk energizes. Talk focuses. Talk intimidates. In basketball, the saying goes, "silent teams lose." Rising senior Maggie Turner is the Queen of Conversation. Help her. 

Be impactful. Impact the process through elite conditioning, skill development, and mental toughness. Practice hard. Offense puts the ball down; defense keeps the ball up.

Be essential. Make the coaching staff say, "she needs to be on the floor." Become the 'priority', the guy the opposition says, "success against Melrose starts with containing her." 

Exceptional teams begin with exceptional talent. At a Professional Golf Association annual meeting, a ninety year-old speaker asked the audience to promise to work at least two hours a day on their short game. He returned the following year, apologetic. "I'm sorry to let you down. I missed two days." 

Have the discipline to take up space. Great players do. 

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