Friday, December 08, 2023

Repost: Sell Yourself with Better Presentations, Storytelling, and Rhetoric

A former MVB player made a declaration as a twelve year-old. "I am going to be the valedictorian in high school."

Set the bar high. Present vibrant ideas and character. 

Do this assignment in front of a mirror: explain in one minute what MVB means for you; explain your story. Think of it as your "elevator pitch." 

Learn from the Heath Brothers in "Made to Stick." 

They incorporate an acronym into presentations: SUCCESS

S - simple
U - unexpected
C - concrete (specific)
C - credible (believable)
E - emotional 
S - stories 

S - Victoria Crovo was one of Melrose's top players and leaders. She brought an infectious ferocity to the court daily.

U - She was Melrose's best player in the sectional final as a freshman

C - She was a three-year captain...because she deserved to be.

C - She earned All-State honors not for toughness but because of the level of her play. 

E - She continues her growth as a student of veterinary medicine. She will be a great advocate for animals.

S - I always include the "V-Rex" as an indispensable player among the MVB elite. 

Keep adding tools to your metaphorical influencer toolbox. Learn to utilize rhetoric for memorable presentations. Consider chiasmus, "We make our habits and our habits make us." 

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