Friday, November 03, 2023

Your Pressure Journey

“Pressure is a five dollar Nassau with two dollars in your pocket.” - Lee Trevino

The only way to experience "pressure" is to play under pressure. Pressure degrades performance. It degrades it less in some than in others. 

"Pressure is a privilege." The teams at the bottom of every league don't get the privilege of postseason play.

One feature of irony is that "poor players" seldom 'choke'. When you're at the end of the bench there's precious little opportunity to get into games with big moments. 

Think back to when you had your first 'big game' experience. In 1971, in my first "big" varsity soccer game, against undefeated Concord, I tried to cross a ball right to left. Somehow it wound up in the net. Brilliant! Accidental offense that wound up on the scoreboard.

How do you prepare for the big game? 

  • Run through your mental 'highlight reel'.
  • Slow your breathing with 'square breathing' - four second in, hold, four seconds out, hold.
  • Use music to amp up or calm down
  • Focus on breaking events into pieces. Celebrate small wins. 
  • Most important, be excited more than anxious. Relish this opportunity to compete. 

Lagniappe. Making low contact? Watch this and practice getting on top of the ball at a higher contact point. 

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