Monday, November 27, 2023

Your Offseason - "I Really Need This Job"

"Plan your trade; trade your plan." 

The only 'sure bets' about next year's team are that Grace, Manon, and Sadie won't be back. 

Bring the best version of yourself to offseason workouts every day. That's number four of The Four Agreements, "Always do your best." Have the attitude about your desired position, "that is my job." Earn the right to play more. 

1. Play a lot. That includes your home workouts, developing platform skills and ball control. 

2. Become more athletic. You can't do that texting or watching Netflix. MVB's last three big hitters - Elena, Gia, and Sadie worked tirelessly to become superior athletes. 

Consult your coaches/trainer to see if they have specific exercises for you.

3. Picture clearly who you are as a player and what transformation is needed to get to where you need to be. When you give the team the best chance to succeed, you will get court time. That has been true for over twenty years. And players who earned significant play as freshmen have almost uniformly grown into standouts. 

4. Measure progress. You can mark the top of your jump with a chalked fingertip. You can time how long you jump rope. How far do you broad jump or what is your 'three-cone-drill' time? 

5. Develop position-specific skills. If you're a short, back row player, invest in platform skills, serving, and even one-arm passing...for which a partner will help.

If unsure of what needs to be done, ask your coaches. Lateral quickness is great for every position.

"That's a lot of work!" Nothing works unless you do. 

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