Saturday, November 25, 2023

Positive Attitudes Create Positive Lives - "It Takes a Village"

Celtics GM and prior coach Brad Stevens remarked, "coaches get more than we give." 

This season marks the final "graduating class" of middle school players I had the privilege of coaching. I'm proud of the women they've become and the athletes, although this class is accomplished. My apologies to any others I may have omitted. 

Sadie Jaggers - All-State and ML12 All-Conference volleyball, two-time Sectional Champion

Cecilia Kay - three time Boston Herald All-Scholastic basketball, 2023 Boston Herald Dream Team (top five EMASS squad)

Helene Phelan - All-League on Bishop Fenwick volleyball

ML Girls soccer Elite Eight players - Ava Tormo, Maria Jelley, Lily Nolan, Ellie Deeble, Emily Lucien, Amy Rowe, Zoe Smith 

Ava Wenzel - band, Drum Major (as accomplished a band member as is humanly possible)

Credit to the girls and their families for their amazing contributions and sacrifices. 

A big part of their success was their positive attitudes. Coaches hope that some of our message gets transmitted. Hat tip to Coach Scott Celli for sending along this Jay Wright message:

Jay Wright said, "Your attitude is your greatest characteristic. You don't control your intelligence, your size, or your God-given talents. What you do control, though, is your attitude. We can all have a positive attitude."

Your attitude is a choice.

It's a choice on how you want to respond to life's challenges.

A positive attitude is a choice for hope and belief.
A negative attitude is a choice for negativity and problems.

There will always be adversity, but it's your attitude and mindset that will determine how far you go.

6 Ways To Improve Your Attitude:

1. Prioritize What's Within Your Control - It starts with your ability to focus. Take ownership and control of what you can control. When you realize that you can control your mindset and attitude, you start to view external challenges for what they are, just challenges. Have a growth-mindset and believe that you can grow and improve

2. Transform Your Negative Self-Talk - Challenge your negative thoughts. Replace your negative words with positive affirmations. Your words are powerful, especially the words that you speak to yourself. Studies show that positive self-talk can enhance your confidence and reduce stress.

3. Create an Attitude of Gratitude - Feed yourself positivity, gratitude, and greatness instead of listening to complaining, negativity, and doubt. Spend time thinking about the positive aspects of your life. Research shows that practicing gratitude daily can lead to improved mood and overall well-being.

4. Stay Present - BE HERE NOW - When you focus on the present, you reduce stress and anxiety because you aren’t worrying about the past or anxious about the future. All we have is the present moment. Your attitude and mindset depends on your ability to be mindful of your environment.

5. Create Positive Moments and Connect - Connect with others and spend time with the people that you like. When you have an attitude of connection, you look for positivity and realize your effect on others. You also realize that others bring you support in those times of need.

6. Believe in Yourself and Your Future - Cultivate self-belief. Research has shown that having a positive self-view predicts improves your self-esteem and confidence. When you believe in your future, you take ownership and responsibility for your choices and actions because you believe they will affect your future.

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s way. - Viktor Frankl

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