Thursday, November 16, 2023

Leaving Our Comfort Zone

There's value to "leaving your comfort zone." Whether it's school, sports, job training, the military, or professional training, trainers routinely demand change for our good or the well-being of the organization. 

Yes, 'egocentric' attitudes are expected. "I don't think that's good for me."

Rarely, 'idiosyncratic' approaches replace conventional wisdom. 


An anecdote suffices - a little girl watched a woman mogul skier go down the hill. She told her, "I love how you ski... you never fall." The skier realized she was being too cautious, holding back, and developed a more aggressive style...and became a champion. 

To perform at a high level in a big moment, you have to develop mentally and execute at practice day after day. Practice has to translate into game action. 


The tall freshman got a surprise call to the middle during the game at Winchester. She helped spur a second set Melrose win in the game although Winchester claimed a 3-1 victory. That Melrose team went to the State Finals before yielding to Westborough. Her name? Emily Hudson, on the career kills lists and All-State in 2020-21 pandemic spring season. 


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