Sunday, October 29, 2023

Volleyball Toughness

Group reading is part of MVB. Many of you read Jay Bilas's Toughness. 

Tough players come ready to play every day. They show up on time, fired up, ready to go at practice and during games. They never cheat the drill. Tough players translate attitude into action. 

Toughness isn't trash talk, chest thumping, or flashing derogatory gestures. Toughness makes the needed play at the necessary time. 

Tough players communicate. Tough players encourage teammates. Tough players lead and inspire. 

Tough players make good decisions. They attack when possible and pull back when attack is a low percentage play. They 'pull off' serves and attacks that are going out. 

On offense, they put the ball down. On defense, they keep the ball up. 

Tough players are relentless. The play in the moment. They never let up. They never quit. 

Toughness doesn't guarantee wins. It commands respect. One of the toughest players Melrose ever had was Victoria Crovo. She wasn't fortunate enough to win a sectional title, despite being a three-year captain. 

"The game honors toughness." 

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