Sunday, October 29, 2023


You never know what you'll find in your home. These 'flash cards' ask questions for dinner time conversations.  

Qualities found in friends often apply to great teammates. Have you though about being a great teammate? 

Catch people in the act of doing something right. Years ago a girls middle school team lost ; one player tried to take accountability. "It's my fault. I was terrible." A great teammate gave her a hug, saying, "we win together and we lose together." 

Great teammates communicate. 

Great teammates put the team first. 

Great teammates teach newcomers that culture is a sustainable competitive advantage. 

Great teammates look out for one another. 

Great teammates build each other up. 

Great teammates are positive. 

Great teammates share. 

Great teammates help each other improve. 

Great teammates find a workout partner to make both better. 

Great teammates work hard to challenge each other to perform well. 

Great teammates do not 'bigfoot' underclassmen.

Choose to be a great teammate. 

Lagniappe. Coach Jiri prioritizes skill training at all times. The 2012 State Championship team lost the final game of the regular season to Newton North. That didn't hold them back. 

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