Thursday, October 12, 2023

Team Captains and Perceived Leadership

"Why the Chosen Ones May Not Always Be the Best Leaders: Criteria for Captain Selection as Predictors of Leadership Quality and Acceptance"

Perception is reality. What matters more for perceived leadership - playing skills and centrality of position or motivational and social skills?

This 2020 study examined this in detail. Position in life may mean less than emotional intelligence and the ability to relate to others.  

"First and foremost, we suggest that selectors should choose team captains based predominantly on their motivational and social skills (i.e., interpersonal skills). Furthermore, based on the results of this study, other pertinent reasons for captain selection that should be taken into consideration depending on the needs of the team are having excellent insights in the game, being a representative of the team and taking the lead in organizing team activities."

The ten highest factors entering into player view of captaincy. 

Motivational and socials skills had superior ratings over game insights and athletic skills. 

What does this mean in 'everyday' terms? The "star players" on a team aren't always the best leaders. Simply, leadership and athletic superiority are different skillsets. 

Lagniappe. Leaders make others better, motivate, and do the right things, the right way, all the time. 

Lagniappe 2. A well-placed attack succeeds, authored by Abby Dennison

Lagniappe 3. Another recipe. 
Post by @seafood_network
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