Wednesday, October 11, 2023

How Do You Know If You Played Well?

Call it statistics or analytics. The big picture (macro) says:


The details use efficiency equations:

(Passes completed - errors)/ Receptions (there's nuance as there are perfect passes, good passes, and kept the ball in play. Let's say you had 15 receptions with 10 good passes and one shanked ball. 

(10 - 1)/15 = 60 percent 

The same goes for attacks 

(Kills - errors)/Attacks  = Attack efficiency  

The best teams have high efficiency attackers. 

Ultimately it's about making more good plays and fewer bad ones. 

Think about basketball. The 'story' might say, "Susie led the team with twelve points and six rebounds." But detailed analysis showed Susie was 5/15 on shots, 2/5 on free throws and had seven turnovers. She had a lot of negative plays - played poorly... and showed up in the headlines. 

Intangibles don't show up in the box score, they show up on the scoreboard. 

  • the "Pocket Rocket" 
  • Be coachable...follow whatever Coach Celli advises
  • Energize. Bring energy and energize teammates.
  • Hustle...sprint to the bench for a timeout. 
  • Encourage your teammates... "way to go" or "next play, let's focus even harder."
Lagniappe. "Statistics" 


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