Tuesday, October 24, 2023

How Do I Fix THAT?

Everyone selected for MVB has the requisite athleticism and skill to succeed. Everyone. Some have more than others, yet players without elite athleticism have achieved great success.

Often it's not a lack of quickness or hand-eye coordination that holds players back. It's their ability to focus, to block out distractions, and make the simple play that allows skill execution.

Some players are said to not be great in practice but achieve in games, for example Jimmy Garoppolo. Others excel in practice and struggle in games.

I've written about "managing pressure" but it's managing yourself. I believe in Jason Selk's "Ten-Minute Toughness" approach.

1. Start with breathing. The simplest breathing is 'square' pattern, 3 seconds in, 3 second hold, 3 seconds out, 3 second hold. Some recommend 4 seconds; I think that's too long.

2. Identity statement. "This is who I am." Tell yourself unique to you, "I am a tall, athletic, prepared volleyball player who cares about the success of our team."

3. Mental highlight reel. Pick out five or six highlights from your career and build your 'personal achievement reel'. They might be offense, defense, serving or whatever else you've done. They can arise from practice, offseason play, or this season.

4. Performance statement. "This is how I play." Maybe it's, "I attack the ball but have the discipline to pull back my attack when the situation dictates." Or "I make the right decision and execute to help our team." It's your mantra.

5. Finish with breathing, similar to Step 1. Learning to breathe more effectively can help you.

Lagniappe. Receiving the big serve

  • Stop the ace. 
  • Stop overpasses. 
  • Focus on a good pass, not a great pass. 

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