Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Adding Value Through 'Speaking Greatness'

Coaches change lives. How?

  • Create a positive 'team experience'.
  • Build a program not a statue. 
  • Take players where they cannot go alone. 
  • Help players make memories. 
  • "Speak greatness." 
Here are some captures from Rod Olson's "The Legacy Builder." 

Specify the win... what do you want to achieve today? Wins happen at work and wins happen at home. 


be FAT - faithful, available, teachable

"What separates the great coaches from the average ones are the  coaches who don't think that they know it all." - John Wooden
Three-dimensional coach... the pyramid - fundamentals of the sport, the athlete's mind, the athlete's heart. Where would our players and our spouse mark an "X" on our pyramid?

The Quarterback Coach. Challenge the player to ask what kind of leader they want to be. "Don't focus on what they can't do; focus on what they can do."

The Assistant Coach - Value People Over Productivity - "I am loyal to Coach because he lives these principles every day." 

Leave a legacy. "Most research on power suggests that the experience of power tends to make people more self-focused and self-interested. This research primarily considers the effect of power in limited timeframes. However, recent research on intergenerational decisions involving longer timeframes reveals that power can lead decision makers to be more concerned with the interests of others in the future."

When we're fortunate to have great conversations with people who inspire us, remember to say, "tell me more." 


  • Specify the win. Do this today. 
  • Simplicity. Live the basics.
  • The 3-D coach. Fundamentals. Mind. Heart.
  • The Quarterback Coach. Inspire the leaders within.
  • The Assistant. Living our values. 

Lagniappe. Recovering well enough? 

Lagniappe 2. Never sell intangibles short. 



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