Wednesday, September 06, 2023


Words and actions matter.

At the Naval Academy, plebes (freshmen) learn these five answers:

"Yes, Sir."

"No, Sir."

"Aye, aye, Sir." (A much stronger version of Yes, Sir)

"Right away, Sir." 

"I don't know but I'll find out, Sir." 

In our daily lives, a few phrases have special meaning:

"Thank you." 

"I'm sorry" 

And the most powerful, "I believe in you." 

Kevin Eastman's book, "Why the Best Are the Best" shares powerful words of champions

"If you want to be successful at anything, the 1st step you have to take is the try to.

He often says it is not about where you’ve been and what you have done, but about where you are capable of going and who you are capable of becoming. 

In regards to NBA players it’s not about if we can relate to the level they have achieved, but learning from the lessons of how they got there."


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