Monday, September 18, 2023

Second Chance: Ten Lessons from Recent Blogs

BOLO. Be on the lookout for learning. Here's a second chance at a swing at durable volleyball lessons. Value in learning comes from spaced repetition. 

1. Lagniappe. More on warmups. 

2 ."Don't second guess yourself." Get after it. 

3. Who are you? 

Takeaway 1: Be the Example and Lead by Example

Takeaway 2: Value Feedback and Embrace Growth 

You want a bigger role. Do what it takes to earn it. 

Kurt Warner went from a college backup to Arena Football to Canton, the NFL Hall of Fame. 

4. How can a freshman lead? 

  • Be punctual.
  • Take care of business at home. 
  • Excel in the classroom. 
  • Be prepared. Understand the game plan. 
  • Be the 'most coachable' player. 
  • Never be a distraction. 
  • Lead the equipment set up and take down team.
  • Attach yourself to Grace and learn every tip on playing the back row. 
  • Bring energy and energize teammates. 
  • Be the most enthusiastic reserve. 
  • Work your hardest. "Never cheat the drill."
  • Be ready to play when you get your chance.   
5. Constantly work on process. 

  • Listen better. 
  • Be a mentor. Find a mentor. 
  • Support and energize your teammates. 
  • Get more sleep. 
  • Eat better. 

 6. The simple truth...

In Robert Townsend's Up the Organization (1970)one chapter contains a single sentence. "Thanks is the cheapest form of compensation." 

Life and sport are like that. If you want to be 'the guy' then be the guy. 

7. Become a master. Do the right things because they are right.

Be on time. Be stretched out when practice starts. Help with equipment.

When a coach calls you over, sprint.

Maintain eye content and listen. 

Leave the gym in at least as good condition as you found it. Dispose of empty bottles. Never leave "tape balls," litter or water bottle puddles. 

Small habits reflect who you are and who your team is. Take pride in who you are and set standards for teammates.

Say thank you often. People notice.

8. Patience.

9. Keep it simple. 

Part of delivering is accountability...holding yourself to a high standard. Whether senior or freshman, performance is the norm. Back row? Keep the ball up. Front row? Put the ball down.

10. See the game. 

Karch Kiraly discusses reading plays. 

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