Saturday, September 23, 2023

Read Critically

All opinions contained within are solely my own. 

Penn Professor Adam Grant thinks critically. We should, too. Author of Give and Take, Think Again, and other works, Grant encourages us to keep a "rethinking scorecard."

From the link above: "People who fall for false information tend to be overconfident in how they think—not just what they think.

Data: those who overestimate their math & reasoning skills are more susceptible to conspiracy theories."It's more work to think about information received, even 'the blog'. Years ago I was at a barbecue, making small talk, noting I was reading "The Best and the Brightest" about the misinformation leading to the Vietnam War. The woman with whom I was talking said, "My uncle Mac is in that book." I said, "McGeorge Bundy" (a President Kennedy advisor)? She answered, "Yes, Uncle Mac." Her name? Laurie Glimcher, Dana Farber CEO!I thought she was another of my sister's 'retail' friends. Think again!Two attitudes prevailed during the late 60's and early 70's - "my country right or wrong" and paraphrasing "young men die in an old man's war." Whether sport or society, entitle ourselves to the right information not to have others entitled to our opinion. Video is "the truth machine." Not every team will use the longer backset as Burlington did here. Not exactly a 'quick set' or 'short set' but Burlington's middle was quick to the ball and brought force. Meet force with force as a blocker. Cut shots (short cross-court) can be hard to defend. Winchester gets the double block up and the left back defender can't get there.

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