Friday, September 22, 2023

"Not My Job"


The Patriots championed the slogan, "Do your job." Do the right thing, the right way, at the right time. Your job extends beyond the minimum. Your job includes knowing other players' job. 

"Excel in your role." Bring your best self to practice and games. Your best self doesn't whine, complain, or make excuses. Don't cheat the drill. 

"Never be a distraction." Be punctual, be prepared.

"When you don't know, ask." Be prepared for games, understanding the game plan, the coverage, what you and your teammates work to finish. 

"Always be ready." If you adopt the attitude, "I won't play anyway," you can't be ready when your moment comes. When the coaches call, be mentally and physically engaged. 

"Be here now." Mental or physical mistakes 'snowball' if you let them. Be "in the moment" to make the next play. Never let one error become a second. 

"Work on your platform skills." A lot of serve receive, passing, and digging centers on your platform. 

Lagniappe. Stay body quiet during the serve receive. Tips and traps. 

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