Saturday, September 16, 2023

"Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight." Try. Do. Stick.

"Fall down seven times, get up eight." - Japanese Proverb 

Persevere. To be forgotten, quit. 

"People with high perceived self-efficacy try more, accomplish more,and persist longer at a task than people with low perceived self-efficacy. Bandura speculates that this is because people with high perceived self-efficacy tend to feel they have more control over their environment and, therefore, experience less uncertainty." This was mindset and grit before Mindset and Grit.  

Success is not an entitlement. Wearing MELROSE earns you nothing. Learn to play harder for longer

Experiencing success impacts self-efficacy. Coach Bill Parcells restated that as "confidence comes from proven success.

Habit expert James Clear says it another way, that your habits are votes for the person you intend to be. Writers write. Teachers study teaching and teach. To eat better, you have to eat better. 

Embrace a 'growth mindset' that work defines improvement

Repeat. EDIR5 - explain, demonstrate, imitate, repeat x 5.

Get feedback.

Emphasize strengths and lessen weaknesses. 

Expect the process to be hard.  

Draw on the lessons of those who preceded you.

Lagniappe. Passing a float serve.  

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