Sunday, August 20, 2023

Tryouts Begin: What It Means to Be Part of the Team

There's a saying about The Country Club in Brookline. If you have to ask how much it costs for membership, you shouldn't apply. 

Ask what it means to be part of a team. It doesn't mean getting your name on a roster or a uniform. It means having your act together

Control what you can control. Focus. "Be here now." 

1. Team first. Remember UNC's Excellence Is Our Only Agenda. The coaches prepare the team to win, to put the team in the best position to win, and to play those the most who give the team the best chance to win.

Remember, what you do as part of the team affects every member of the team. Academics and off-court choices impact the team.  

2. Be professional. Be punctual and be prepared. You are not too young to hold yourself to high standards. Respect the coaches, teammates, opponents, and officials. Being late or unprepared disrespects the team. 

3. Be a great teammate. Teamwork is a choice. 

4. "Every day is player development day." Work at continuous improvement. If you improve one percent every day for a year, then you're thirty-seven times better. Don't skip steps. 


5. "This is not a union job." Senior or freshman, everyone is important. 

6. "It's the scoreboard not the scorebook." Play the right way and the statistics take care of themselves. 


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