Thursday, August 31, 2023

Scrimmage 2: Continual Ascension

"Every day here is the freaking Super Bowl." - The Bear

The second scrimmage is in the books. It wasn't perfect. It never will be, tomorrow or on the 30th of October. But it was better - better pace, better communication, better coordination. UNC soccer coach Anson Dorrance preaches 'continual ascension'. That is what fans, players, and coaches saw today. 

What went well

Grace Gentile continued to lead midseason defense in the back row with lots of intensity from Maggie Turner and Gigi Albuja. Turner is the Dustin Pedroia of the group, constantly talking, constantly moving. 

Sabine Wenzel showed advanced skills both offensively and defensively in the middle and Sofia Papatsoris separated herself as the second middle. 

Leah Fowke continued to deliver biscuits to hitters, serve bombs, and made a host of strong defensive plays. 

What needs improvement

"Experience is the best teacher, but sometimes the tuition is high." Sadie Jaggers was still out and Manon Marchais appeared to have 'load management' but came in for 'must points'. 

The competition for additional outside hitting was fierce with numerous players cycling through. Ava Perrotti, Emme Boyer, Milana Noessel, Alex Homan, and Abby Dennison all got chances to prove themselves. Anna Burns got rotations in the back row. 

What can the team do differently next time?

Everything can continue to improve. Coach Sonny Lane used to say, "I'm pleased but I'm not satisfied." The team shows a lot of fight and the girls can start a little faster. "Every second counts."

What were the enduring lessons

The intensity level was high. It takes time. Make incremental gains day after day and by the end of the season, you're a tough out. 


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