Monday, August 21, 2023

Melrose Volleyball Tryouts Day One: Supply and Demand


Tryouts began at the Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School on a warm August morning. The coaches supply the opportunity and demand was high as sixty-six candidates (including twenty-eight freshmen) worked out.

The first scrimmage is only eight days away (29 August at 5 PM) so prospective players hit the floor running. 

With a large contingent of frosh trying out, the question arose about the most impactful freshman team players who became varsity players. Melrose trivia fans know the answer: Kayla Wyland (the current Wakefield coach) and setter Eva Haralabatos. 

With many returning players having played a lot of offseason volleyball, don't expect a lot of rust when the scrimmages get underway.

Coach Scott Celli shared a vital message at the close of the session, "don't be afraid to make mistakes." Mickey Mantle struck out 1710 times in his regular season career, the equivalent of three seasons of strikeouts. When he wasn't striking out, he won three MVPs, hit 536 home runs, and played on seven World Series champions.  

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