Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Being a Leader

Coaches resemble snowflakes, no two are alike. You've never met a coach who wanted to be mediocre. 

Seek leadership qualities in words and deeds as both actions and words both matter. Not everything we do can or will be pleasant...as coaches or players. 

Add value

  • "Make the team better." 
  • Leaders make leaders. 
  • "Every day is player development day." People should leave practice better. 

Model excellence and integrity. Players see everything. Kevin Eastman says, "You can't fool kids, dogs, and basketball players." 

  • Be positive.
  • Be the mentor you would want. 
  • Impact character AND winning. 

Support your 'team'. Protect your team.

  • Have your team's back with administrators and officials. 
  • Have empathy for the team and players, understanding how they feel. 
  • Let them know how you feel and that you believe in them. Work to "see people" not just acknowledge they're present. 


  • Speak greatness. Make words count.
  • Value, excellence, and support add to inspiration. 
  • Win humbly and lose graciously. 

Teach (share).

  • Clarify and simplify. 
  • "What has not been learned has not been taught." 
  • "Trust but verify." Give and get feedback for "sustainable competitive advantage." 

Be part of the team.

  • Leaders dig in. Troy was head of Environmental Services. When a complex problem arose, he traded a suit for scrubs and got dirty. 
  • Be fully invested in the personal and volleyball growth of players. 
  • Stay available. Let players know we expect to help them advance with networking and recommendations. 


  • We are human. So are assistants and players. Correct mistakes and forgive. 
  • Don't take the job frustration home and create conflicts. Or else you will need a lot of forgiveness. 
  • Forgive yourself, too. You can't be your best while angry at yourself. 

Deal with failure

  • Everyone fails, without exception. We have to get up off the canvas. 
  • Develop and share failure stories for yourself and your team. 
  • Need a reference? Try John Maxwell's Failing Forward.  

A big job, impossible, really, but who better to do it?

Lagniappe. Alternative to sprints. Quad power. 

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