Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Four C's of Communication

Communication drives relationships. Communication includes both verbal and nonverbal communication.

Great nonverbal communication includes eye contact and a firm handshake. Smiling communicates. Don't roll your eyes or scowl at the game officials. That won't get you more calls. 

In his MasterClass, media personality George Stephanopoulos stresses "the Four C's" of communication. Work on them. 

Clarity. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Master teacher Richard Feynman preached NAME, EXPLAIN, RESEARCH, and RESTATE. Be specific. If I say, "fully engage," it's not the same as "during a timeout, sprint to the bench, eyes on Coach, stand up straight, and lean in to the conversation."

Concision. "Brevity is the soul of wit." Your coaches put you in the best position to win. "Be professional." Show up on time, mentally and physically ready to go. 

Curiosity. Identity. Who are we? Performance. How do we operate? Are we executing at the highest level or can we improve defending the outside hitter, winning serve receive with first attacks, and getting more aces without major risk of service errors? 

Candor. Be honest. Coach Lane, after wins would often say, "I'm pleased but I'm not satisfied." Exceptional teams have, in the words of UNC Soccer Coach Anson Dorrance, "continual ascension." They improve during the season. Consider last season. Was the team that beat Dartmouth the same team that lost to Peabody? Of course not. When Coach says, "we must improve _______," he's not communicating to hear his voice. 

Think for yourself and communicate better using higher order tools. 

Lagniappe. Imagine what's possible. 

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