Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday Double Feature: Growth

Be open to inspiration. 

Someone asked me last night, "how can you write over 3,500 basketball pieces?" "Be open to inspiration from the world around you."

Maybe you never see "The Bear" because you don't watch television or don't have access to the channel. The summary (spoiler alert) speaks for itself. Apply the lessons. Leave out the expletives. 

1. Maintain a growth mindset. You're either staying the same or pushing forward. It's your choice. 

2. Imagine the possibilities. See yourself being in the big moment. 

3. Stay focused on the biggest priority - your family. 

4. The greatest achievements come from being part of a team

5. Looking at Luca's skill and Marcus's creation reminds me of a basketball truth, "great offense comes from multiple actions." That should conjure, "dig, set, spike." 

Be part of 'special' as you fulfill John Wooden's father's advice, "Make every day your masterpiece." 


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