Saturday, July 29, 2023

Prioritize Values

Saturday double bonus...

What are your "volleyball values?" Distill them to one word to reflect your ethos, your volleyball character. 

You want to succeed, to contribute, to have a meaningful role and be recognized. Understood.

Integrity. Means being 'professional' - on time, ready to go physically and mentally, playing hard on every drill, every play. 

Teamwork. Put the team first. Put leadership ahead of being the team MVP. 

Improvement. "Every day is player development day." Wake up asking yourself, "how can I be a better person, a better student, a better player?"

Sharing. Be a sharer. Share vision, experience, knowledge. "Mentoring is the only shortcut to excellence." 

Inspiration. Energize yourself and your teammates. Do you know the Ration sisters. There are the little sisters, Aspi and Inspi Ration. And there are the big sisters, Prepa and Perspi Ration. 

Humility. "Thinking about yourself less doesn't mean thinking less of yourself." 

Lagniappe. From my basketball blog, study great leaders. Maybe you don't agree with their policies. Fine. Learn from their processes. 

Lagniappe 2. Defense and setting exercise, attacking from a box. 


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