Friday, July 21, 2023

Potpourri and LATTE

Some called Seinfeld "a show about nothing." We can learn a lot from nothing.

1. I know a Physicians Assistant who asks people for a tip or core value. Mine was "share something great." That might include Coach Phil Jackson's quote, "Basketball is sharing" or knowing the best experiences are shared joy. 

2. Starbucks has a service principle called "LATTE," an acronym. 

L = listen to the customer
A = acknowledge the problem
T = thank the customer for bringing the problem to our attention
T = take care of the problem
E = explain to colleagues so they don't have the same problem

This works in coaching and in playing. Every correction applies to all. 

3. Get more from practice through efficiency. Watching the UCONN women's basketball team practice, we saw a model of efficiency. 

Increase efficiency
- Operate at a higher tempo. 
- Make it competitive.
- Condition within drills. 
- Limit lines, laps, and lectures. 
- Include special situations. In close games, any possession can be the answer.

4. Newer isn't necessarily better. In Jim Bouton's irreverent Ball Four, he used the line, "Consider the source." Everything we hear or read doesn't add value. "Consider the source." 

5. 'Common sense' comes in limited supply, but its opposite, nonsense comes unbounded.

6. In school, we recited 'The Pledge of Allegiance' thousands of times. It ends, 'with liberty and justice for all'. Have you thought about what that means and applied it to your relationships? 

7. To get respect, give respect. Respect your coaches, teammates, opponents, and officials.

8. If you read even an hour a day for the next month, you'll have thirty more hours of possible knowledge than those who don't. "Little things make big things happen." 

9. Coach Billy Donovan says, "Study every guy that you may be expected to guard." Who are the players you need to contain to win? What's your plan? 

10.The best players impact winning by making everyone around them better. Be that guy. 

Lagniappe. Serve receive is critical. How does a system decide who covers the seams? 


Always communicate and follow the system of your coach.

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