Saturday, July 29, 2023

Not Only Volleyball But Life

Unfortunately, the Jen Sinkler article about Cal Rugby coach Jack Clark is no longer available. But summaries are.

Regular readers know the lesson, "how you play reflects how you live." Team players live teamwork. Selfish players see the world through self-indulgent lenses. 

Reflect on Clark's principles: 

LOVE CONDITIONALLY“On the other hand, if you get the wrong guy on your team, he’ll beat you every day.”

e open every meeting with what we did well. Spend so much more time on your strengths."

SHARED VOCABULARY. Have a common language.

PRACTICE RESILIENCYIn other words, culture, to be successful must be intentionally thought out, planned and executed by all those involved. 

EXPECT EVERYONE TO LEADThis is a form of shared ownership where everyone is contributing to successful elements of a culture.  Successful people work at making the right decisions within their priorities and strive to properly manage those decisions daily.  The first and most important person that you lead is yourself.

IMPROVE RELENTLESSLY. "We believe in constant performance improvement. We say it’s not just enough to win."

GET A GREAT COACH teaching must be a key ingredient in successful/teams and organizations.  

VALUE TEAM"We celebrate team, talk about it and build on it."

Lagniappe. "This is what we're doing right." 

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