Monday, May 29, 2023

The "To Don't" List

Adam Grant says "have a 'To Don't List'. Your "To Don't" list matters, the list of actions that interfere with top performance. "Control what you can control." Success is a daily choice.

1. Don't be a pain toward your parents. Take care of business at home. You know what you have to do.

2. Don't be a slacker. Be your best version at school. "There is no ability without eligibility." If you can learn volleyball, you can learn the three R's - reading, writing, and 'rithmetic.

3. Don't neglect the machine. Make time for eight hours of sleep nightly. Studies show athletes perform better with more rest. Hydrate. Eat right. Subtract the junk from food. 

4. Don't let up. "Pound the rock." If it takes a hundred hits to break the rock, keep hitting the rock. "Don't skip steps." 

5. "You own your paycheck." Skip the skill training, learning the game, explosiveness and conditioning, and resilience training and suffer the regret of fewer minutes, role, and recognition. 

6. Don't be a malcontent. "Don't whine, don't complain, don't make excuses." - John Wooden   Excel in your role while working to expand it.

7. Don't be a bad teammate. "Never criticize a teammate." You will know some of your teammates throughout life. Enjoy shared vision, shared sacrifice, shared success.

8. Don't waste time. "Invest your time, don't spend it.

9. Don't neglect your habits. "We make our habits and our habits make us." Develop a winning routine. 

10.Don't forget to check your work. Be intentional. Tell them what you're going to say, say it, and remind them what you said. 

Lagniappe. "You da best." 

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