Sunday, May 21, 2023


*Adapted from a basketball blog

Tear down our existing structure. Make it as simple as possible. That can't mean starting with a list of hundreds on our 'to do' list. It's the Kondonization of basketball. 

A patient told me, "I throw out that which doesn't give me joy." Another approach is to "tidy a little a day." 

"Simplify the process." Traffic in specifics. Keep, give away, throw out. 

1. "Every day is player development day." - Dave Smart   Develop your 'minimum skill set.'

  • Finish at the net. Footwork, armswing, platform skills, service, timing. 
  • Become more consistent and more efficient with attacks and defense.
  • Develop "go to" and "counter." What's your defining skill to get on the court? Everything else is gravy. Ask every player, what is your 'go to' and 'counter'?
2. "Think shot first." - Don Kelbick  When you have the receipts (skill), find your shot. Make scoring your priority.

3. Become more athletic. Sport rewards explosive athletes who can separate and finish. A jump rope and jump exercises can do that. "Nothing works unless you do." Athleticism helps:
  • Front and back row play improve. 
  • Play "longer for harder." 
  • Get lateral and vertical advantage. 
4. Stop fouling. Paring fouls was a key part of the Porter Moser program and is one of the Four Factors. 
  • Get out of the net. 
  • It's a mindset. 
5. "Possession and possessions." Become a 'possession ender' with scores and stops. 
  • Opponents get "no easy points."
  • Attack. 
  • Pass better as architects of quality shots.
  • Take care of the ball. No 'campfires', no communication errors, fewer shanked balls. 
Games become 'math' with higher attack efficiency. Fewer errors means more shots. Forced mistakes and more balls kept up means more possessions for us and fewer from opponents (Pete Newell's "more and better shots than our opponents.")

My high school French teacher, Mr. Benoit said, "Ecoutez et repetez." Listen and repeat. Great advice remains great advice. 

  • "Every day is player development day."
  • "Think shot first."
  • Become more athletic. 
  • Reduce fouling. 
  • "Possessions and possession." 

Lagniappe 2. Footwork, balance, maneuvering speed. "Get the ball up." 


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