Friday, May 26, 2023

Gratitude: Want What You Have. Maybe 10-15-20?

Big themes resonate. Gratitude increases happiness 

Coach Don Meyer preached gratitude among core values:

  • Passion (for the game)
  • Unity (teamwork and togetherness)
  • Servant leadership 
  • Humility (thinking about yourself less doesn't mean thinking less of yourself)
  • Gratitude (thankfulness)

Mentoring shows gratitude. Mentoring elevates everyone including the mentor. As mentor, listen without judgment.  

Harvard Professor Shawn Achor recommends a 21-day gratitude exercise. Before sleep, write out three things that you are grateful for that day. At the end of three weeks, you have 63 happiness-inspiring gratitude pieces. 

Share. Share attention, energy, focus, knowledge. 

Say, "thank you." Everyone likes appreciation. I thank the girls at the end of practice for working hard. Positive reinforcement for positive behaviors. 


  • Gratitude increases happiness.
  • Mentor.
  • Use the 21-day gratitude exercise.
  • Share.
  • Say, "thank you." 

Lagniappe. Digging the hard spike. Make it "10-15-20." 

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