Saturday, April 01, 2023

Reality Bytes

Twenty plus years watching Melrose volleyball reveals truths. Sport dispenses unfettered joy and immeasurable pain. 

1) Control what you can control. What you control is your attitude, your choices, and your effort. 

2) What has happened before can happen again. 

3) This is not a union job. There is no seniority. If there is an eighth grader practicing and playing at a high level who is a rising freshman, she can earn the job. 

4) "Become more to do more; do more to become more." In the long run, "you earn your paycheck" - minutes, role, and recognition. 

5) Sometimes the best players on the team have been four year varsity players and on one it was a freshman. 

6) The more skills you have, the better your chance to contribute. There's symmetry in volleyball:

  • Attacking - blocking
  • Serving - passing - digging 
  • Setting 
7) Strong front row players help each other by being able to set each other or sometimes the back row. 

8) Playing 'all around' was once more common than today. Not everyone had the skill, athleticism, size, and resilience needed. It allowed for more rest for front row players. And it encouraged specialization, which often raised the overall level of play. 

9) Ignore the noise. Coach Celli is the evaluator, the decider, as it should be. 

10)"Learn every day." As time passes, you become your own coach...developing and monitoring your physical training and skill development. 

Lagniappe. Pay attention to the major subheadings, such as get on top of the ball. You can't hit "down" (bounce) without getting on top. 

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