Saturday, April 29, 2023

Becoming Antifragile

"Antifragility is a property of systems in which they increase in capability to thrive as a result of stressors, shocks, volatility, noise, mistakes, faults, attacks, or failures." - Wikipedia

  • Physical development (e.g. muscles)
  • Resilience process (learning how to come back from adversity)
  • Transformation from experience (the 2012 team won a championship in part from lessons learned in the Finals defeat in 2011). 
Clear thinking comprises an important part of antifragility. 

Clear thinking verifies the accuracy of facts, takes 'point of view' and bias into account, and considers consequences. 

Clear thinking takes ranges of probable outcomes into effect. Some factors are not independent variables. Imagine you have the best hitter in the state but your setting is mediocre or impacted by injury or illness. One affects the other. Hitting is 'fragile' with impaired setting. 

"Options" promise outsized payoffs for low frequency events. Put options on a market represent "insurance" or a "gamble" on a market crash. Life insurance is a put option on one's life. Insurers spread their risk over many customers.  

What are examples of teams becoming 'less fragile' but not antifragile?

1. Create depth. Solid reserves reduce risk. 
2. Create balance. Overreliance on fewer players creates risk. 
3. Be able to play a variety of styles. 
4. Have strong development and offseason programs. 
5. Have input from a capable coaching staff. 

Lagniappe. Work on process. Without rain, we have no rainbows.

Lagniappe 2. Can AI make us antifragile? (AI input)

Antifragility is the concept of being able to not just withstand, but actually benefit from, unexpected and challenging situations. While AI can certainly aid in analyzing and predicting certain aspects of sports performance, it may not be able to fully assist in achieving antifragility in sports.

The reason for this is that antifragility often requires a combination of physical, mental, and emotional resilience, which can be difficult for AI to replicate. While AI can provide data and insights on an athlete's physical performance, mental and emotional factors such as motivation, grit, and adaptability may be more challenging to measure and optimize.

However, AI can still play a role in helping athletes become more antifragile by providing real-time feedback and insights during training and competition. For example, wearable technology and sensors can track an athlete's movements and provide immediate feedback on their technique and performance, allowing them to adjust and improve their approach in real-time.

Additionally, AI can be used to analyze an athlete's performance history and identify patterns or areas of improvement, allowing for targeted training and development. This can help athletes build up their physical and mental resilience over time, which can ultimately contribute to their ability to thrive in unexpected and challenging situations.

Overall, while AI may not be able to fully achieve antifragility in sports on its own, it can certainly be a useful tool for athletes looking to improve their performance and build up their resilience over time.

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