Monday, February 06, 2023

Great Conversations: What Belongs?

Coaches educate. Education changes behavior. Learn how to think and to communicate clearly. 

Former Communications Director George Stephanopoulos shares four required elements for communication in his MasterClass. Great lessons are often painfully brief. 

CLARITY. Share information clearly. 

CONCISION. Use short, direct sentences. "This is how we play." 

CURIOSITY. Let's unearth more on this topic. 

CANDOR. Accountability demands candor, honesty about 'what is going on'. 

"Brevity is the soul of wit." 

Lagniappe. Simplify. How do you succeed? 

Our actions cast votes for the person we want to be. 

Lagniappe. Today, it's Physicality. Get quicker. 

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