Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Fun Matters (Cross-Posted)

Many explanations exist for the popularity of Melrose Volleyball - coaching, winning, tradition, community support, and more. 

What's underrated is FUN. Volleyball is fun and Coach Scott Celli understands the primacy of skill and engagement. 

Here's a link to my basketball blog post on Making and Keeping it Fun

Here's an excerpt about copying greatness:

Copy greatness. Reproduce elements building excellence from Adam Grant, Ken Burns, Thomas Keller, Sarah Blakely.

Grant wrote, Give and Take. Be an ambitious giver

Burns is the king of documentaries. Unearth discoveries worth sharing. Give people more of what they don't know. 

Keller has multiple Michelin 3-Star restaurants. Critical feedback matters, because we're a team from the dishwasher to the chef.

Blakely advised us to design prototypes of excellence. Her first SPANX idea grew out of cutting the feet out of pantyhose. She turned an idea into a $5 billion dollar enterprise. She never raised capital through stock or bonds, by obsessing the product. 

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