Thursday, February 02, 2023

Four Questions

Call it review, self-assessment, or as in the military "After Action Review." Do this after both games and practice. Teams can play well or poorly, win or lose. We can play well and lose or poorly and win. Some say, "love our losses" or better yet, "learn from losses." 

In the introduction to Michael Useem's The Leadership Moment, he shares four questions to ask:

1. What went well? (Do more of that.) Be specific. 

2. What went badly? (Do less.) Look objectively at areas of need. "We had twelve service errors." 

3. What can we do differently next time? Attention to detail separates execution from failure. 

4. What is the overarching lesson? "We demonstrated resilience and toughness because of superior conditioning in a long match."

What made a practice, game, lecture, or season memorable or disaster? What separates ordinary from extraordinary? 

Study excellence. Evolve as an individual and as a team. Is an opponent doing something to copy? 

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