Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Cross Post: FIVE Issues That Kill Teams

Disclosure: The opinions expressed within are solely my own and do not represent the City of Melrose, Melrose Schools, or the Melrose Athletic Department. 

Guitarist Tom Morello shares five issues that kill bands. They're worth avoiding.

A better mnemonic is:


M - money (recognition)

E - ego 

M - mental health

O - others 

S - substance abuse 


- Humility doesn't mean thinking less of ourself, but thinking less about ourself.

- Others  The voice to listen to is our coach. 

- "Money" (recognition). One way to ingratiate yourself to your teammates is to deflect and share credit for team success. 

Lagniappe (something extra). Do volleyball drills at home. Ball skills (click) are perishable. If you neglect them, they go bad, like food. 

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