Thursday, January 26, 2023


Work smarter not harder. Sport rewards development in four areas:

  • Skill (Technique)
  • Strategy (Tactics)
  • Physicality (Athleticism)
  • Psychology (Resilience)
Let's focus on Physicality today. Two recent Melrose elite volleyball players with exceptional athleticism and vertical jump were Elena Soukos and Gia Vlajkovic. 

Here's a query to Artificial Intelligence about increasing your jumping ability. 

Consider taking advantage of the resources available at the high school including strength and conditioning. 

There are several ways to increase your vertical jump for volleyball, including:

  1. Strength training: Building leg strength through exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and calf raises can help increase your jumping power.

  2. Plyometrics: Plyometric exercises, such as jump squats and box jumps, can help train your muscles to produce maximum force in a short amount of time, which is important for jumping.

  3. Stretching: Stretching your legs and hips can help improve your flexibility, which can in turn help increase your jump height.

  4. Proper form: Make sure you are jumping correctly and using proper form when jumping. This will help ensure that you are getting the most out of each jump and not wasting energy.

  5. Jump specific drills: Incorporating jump specific drills to your workout routine, such as jump rope, jump lunges, and hurdle jumps.

  6. Speed and Agility: Improving your speed and agility can help you jump higher as it requires your legs to move quickly and efficiently.

It is important to note that increasing your vertical jump is a gradual process and it takes time and consistency to see improvement. It is also important to have proper guidance from a coach or trainer and avoid overtraining. 

Lagniappe. Win with aggression. 

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