Monday, January 16, 2023

Post 2500: You're a Salesperson

You sell your ability, availability, and accountability. Your mission is to sell the coaching staff on getting on and staying on the court.

What's your 'influencer' plan? 

Start by learning about influencing by reading a summary of Robert Cialdini's "Influence" or studying Dan Pink

Applying for a job? Selling. Applying to college? Selling. Trying out for a school play? Selling. Want to be the next "guy" outside? Selling. 

The Greeks used three words to describe influencing

- Ethos (character) 

- Logos (logic) 

- Pathos (emotion) 

Screen capture from Dan Pink, MasterClass

Pink suggests considering how our pitch informs, impacts, and motivates the listener in the slide above (know, feel, act). 

How your family, education, and extracurricular lives go relates to your ability to 'sell' yourself, how you communicate, share, and act. If volleyball is important for you, the first person to sell is yourself. 

Lagniappe. Where's your snap

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