Saturday, January 07, 2023

Fast Five: Learn from Experts from Many Domains and Apply to Our Life

Lifelong learning is opportunity not obligation. Take time to read great books and others we find entertaining. 

Here are a few lessons absorbed over the past year that might benefit us all. 

"It's not enough to be right. You have to be effective." - Neil Degrasse Tyson's father 

Make the time to listen before speaking. Nelson Mandela's father oversaw meetings in South Africa. He always took the time to listen so that he could speak last to give a more nuanced answer. 

"Do five more." - Dan Pink   Spend extra time reading or writing five more pages, making five more calls, exercising five more minutes. That 'unrequired work' pays off in the long term. 

"Don't make assumptions." Don Miguel Ruiz's book, "The Four Agreements" shares four key concepts. This is an extension of the "fundamental attribution error" where we judge others based on presumed character and ourselves based on the situation. The guy who cuts us off may be a jerk or may be rushing to see a sick relative. We can't know. 

"Do more than count." Disney CEO Bob Iger met with Steve Jobs of Pixar to discuss a possible merger. Jobs went to the white board and made a list of three positives and twenty negatives. Iger said that it must be a non-starter. Jobs said they would merge because the strength of the positives far outweighed the negatives. Think, don't just count

Lagniappe. More skill, more opportunity... everyone should have some setting skills. 

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