Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Fairness. To Become the Teacher's Pet...Work Like a Dog.

All opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author. 


Fairness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Sport is often a meritocracy but development differs. 

What is fairness? Fairness crosses many areas. Programs vary by resources and individual opportunity.

  • Infrastructure - practice time, equipment, facilities
  • Personnel - Help/assistants 
  • Finances (I've always been a volunteer)
  • Coaching - Who gets what? 
  • Roles 
  • Playing time (minutes)  

One team has eight hours practice per week, another three. One has experienced coaching and another parental 'bailout' coaching. One team chooses a large roster (twelve or more) and another selective (eight) to minimize weakness of reserves and maximize winning. 

Choose your analogy. Most of the iceberg (development) is below the surface. Where's the beef? Few families see how the sausage gets made.

Watching weekend games doesn't divulge the practice processFairness is not equality. 

Player B is a soccer first athlete who attends no offseason workouts. Player A is a basketball first athlete who attended 90 percent of offseason workouts (usually alone). Should A and B have the same role, minutes, and individual attention? I favor the player who has shown exceptional commitment every time

Coaches have favorites. The relentless player, highly coachable, who listens and takes advantage of every opportunity...gets more coaching. Unrequired work ingratiates players to coaches. 

Where does the rubber meet the road? 

  • Advocate for your child by seeking out coaching and character.
  • Prioritize programs about playing the right way, teaching teamwork and sportsmanship. 
  • Get under the hood and examine the process. We held open practices if parents chose to watch. 
  • Teach children to say "yes" to opportunity, elective workouts including school-offered strength and conditioning. (For our middle school players I offered twice weekly outdoor off-season 90 minute skill-development sessions, Memorial Day to early October.)
  • Get to be 'teacher's pet' by working like a dog

Excellence demands unusual levels of commitment and sacrifice. 


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