Friday, December 02, 2022

Twenty Day Challenge, Day 15 - Become a Storyteller, Write a Great Narrative

People are storytelling animals. Humans passed down knowledge, language, culture, values, and more via stories.

Consider Aesop's Fables. The story of the Tortoise and the Hare informs that "slow and steady wins the race." Consistency defeats flash.

How do we develop better stories? Chip and Dan Heath share a mnemonic in "Made to Stick" - SUCCES.

S - simple

U - unexpected

C - concrete (specific)

C - credible

E - emotional

S - story

She was athletic, tall, and not highly skilled as a freshman, playing on the Freshman team in 2009. She kept improving, especially as a blocker. She was also a great person at home and school, and a great teammate. She made the leap to the varsity in 2010, playing 41 sets as part of a Sectional Championship team. By the time she was a senior she was fourth in kills on the team and part of the greatest blocking duo in team history. 

  Senior Night, 2012

Her story shows how a player made the leap from the Freshman team to State Champion and more. She played volleyball and basketball in college and is the Wakefield High School Coach - Kayla Wyland (15). 

Learn and develop stories and write a great narrative for yourself. 

You don't have to play varsity volleyball as a freshman to impact winning and become a champion. 

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