Thursday, December 01, 2022

Twenty Day Challenge, Day 14 - A People Business

Sport is a microcosm of life, a people business. Great achievements happen through collaboration, working together to do more than one person can.

When a former President visited NASA in Houston, he asked a custodian about his job. The employee answered, "I helped put a man on the moon." Take pride in your job, show up. "Make the big time where you are."

People tend to pigeonhole coaches as "relationship-oriented" (players' coach) or "task-oriented" (hard guy). The best coaches combine people skills with game-focused competence. Coaches can't teach players to SEE THE GAME unless they have the team's attention and buy-in. 

What attributes help coaches and players win the 'people business'? 

Positive attitude. Negative attitudes foster negative results.

Energy. The coach and the star players cannot be energy vampires. 

Adding value. The best coaches and best players make those around them better. Some use the term "force multiplier." 

Speak greatness. Suggest don't qualify. Better to say, "That was good AND you might consider trying this" than "that was good BUT you should try this." 

Build confidence. Nobody can 'bestow confidence" on us. NFL championship coach Bill Parcells says, "confidence comes from proven success." Players have success from growth in skill, strategy, physical, and emotional strength. "Every day is player development day." 

Nothing sends a more powerful message than, "I believe in you." 

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