Tuesday, December 06, 2022

20 Day Challenge, Day 19 - Do More Deep Work

To become more, do more. Author Cal Newport coined the term "Deep Work," our best work done in a distraction-free environment.

We have become "addicted to distraction." Quality work demands a distraction-free environment.

Improve as a student and an athlete. How? 

  • Set goals.
  • Examine the available tools to reach them.
  • Choose the top few of those tools. 
What environment could help you become a better student? A distraction-free environment helps, meaning no television and no phone interrupting us with calls or texts. 

Deep work means work not capable of being done by a casual participant. 

- Work in a quiet environment.

- Use the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes on, 5 minutes off)

- Use spaced repetition (repeated study, not cramming)

- Self-test. What did I just review? What are the key points?

The same principles apply for volleyball training - skill, strategy, physicality, and psychology. 

- Walk through the footwork for serving or attacking. Then practice at a higher pace, game speed. 

- Watch video of elite players, their footwork, swing, platform skills. 

- Become more athletic with strength and conditioning. 

- Devote time to mindful meditation and visualization, like professionals and Olympians 


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