Sunday, November 20, 2022

Twenty Day Challenge - Day 3 - The Jar of Awesome

"You never build a positive life with a negative attitude."

The 20 Day Challenge encourages personal development in technique, tactics, physicality, and psychology that help you become a better player. 

You've just come off an excellent season winning a sectional championship, earning the right to play in the state semifinals. That distinguishes you from most other athletes. Winning is hard. Winning big is harder. Repeating is even harder.

Celebrate big and small achievements. Create your "Jar of Awesome." The picture below is mine. 

The jar isn't as important as what you put in it. Cut up an index (3" by 5") card into strips. For your first strip, label it, "Won the D2 Sectional Championship." Add a date if you want. Put it in the jar. You've started your Jar of Awesome. 

Add more awesome achievements as they come along. You decide what goes in. Maybe when you can jump rope for five continuous minutes you add another strip. You get the picture. It's your "Jar" so you decide its use.

Keep it somewhere where you'll see it and work to add more awesomeness to it.

Lagniappe (something extra). Hitters learn to use more spots to attack.



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