Sunday, November 27, 2022

Twenty Day Challenge, Day 10 - "Character is Job One"

I spoke to a coach about a basketball player from long ago (none of you know him). The coach answered, "Great player from the neck down."

Bill Belichick was asked about coaching a player and answered that at this point in my career "I want to coach the guys I want to be around." 

Coaches have enough headaches without absorbing your tardiness, inconsistent effort, or lack of coachability. 

I coached a young player years ago (not a Melrose player) who didn't listen, was not accountable, and was just contrary. She had a lot of athletic and physical ability. Eventually she became a good player and her mother emailed me. She explained her daughter "figured it out" that I wasn't criticizing her, I was coaching her to be better. 

Coaches want guys with character, not characters. Don't let a bad judgment become an indelible stain on your character. A bad social media decision doesn't go away. 

Be on time. Be a great teammate. Outwork the next guy. Study the game. Do the right things the right way and you'll be fine.  

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