Monday, November 14, 2022

Making Coffee

"If you get a job in the industry running errands or making coffee, you better make the best coffee they've ever had." - Shonda Rhimes, writer

Success is not a given. "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary." Just making the volleyball team is an achievement. But it's not enough. And most players, having experienced success, want more. 

Star in your role. That doesn't mean to accept being a reserve player. It means practicing hard to challenge teammates, to cheer teammates on, and to work to increase your role. "Do more to become more; become more to do more."

Make the big time where you are. My daughter's roommate in college was the volleyball captain at Dartmouth. Her younger sister in California wasn't a strong enough player to make her high school team. She played on the Club Circuit and earned a D1 scholarship to an East Coast team. Enjoy the ride.  

"Always do your best." Our best won't be the same every day. And our best will almost never be 'the best'. But doing our best leaves no regrets. 

Make everyone around you better. How can you know? Sometimes it means unconditional love "she's my teammate" and sometimes it means conditional love, "Susie, we need more from you. You're capable of being more, doing more. I believe in you." 

Everyone leads. Sometimes you might see something that makes a difference. Never be a distraction. Be on time. Be engaged. Be coachable. Listen and follow directions. When your time comes, be ready. 

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