Monday, October 17, 2022


"It's always SHOWTIME." What does that mean?

Athletes live in a fishbowl. What they say, how they act, and how they carry themselves gets noticed. 

People love to 'take down' well-known people. If people seek recognition, they get the trappings. You want the bull, you get the horns. 

How do you walk into the gym? How do you treat younger teammates and fans? 

Coaches see everything. Preparing includes study, film review, even how you stretch before the game. 

"Your actions speak so loudly, I can't hear a word you say." Treat teammates and coaches with success. Don't 'bigfoot' underclassmen. You are the stewards of legacy that will transition to them. 

"Don't cheat the drill." Or in the words of Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements, "Always do your best." 

Verbal and nonverbal communication matter. Do we play with joy or with  scowls on our faces? Don't let 140 characters on social media rob your of thousands of dollars in scholarships. 

Melrose Notes: Evaluators are noticing Melrose's schedule and defeat of D1 power Winchester, who in turn beat Andover. updated ratings

Five Melrose players had at least five kills. 

Ruth Breen added 33 to her assist total, but the big news was Sadie "Brady" Jaggers adding an assist to her stat sheet. 

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