Saturday, October 08, 2022


"Success leaves fingerprints." 

Teams build success on the shoulders of teams that came before. Success means focus and resilience in the moment. 

The product of culture is teamwork. 

  • Maintain a welcoming culture. Melrose volleyball has always done that without hazing or 'bigfooting'.
  • Play for the girl next to you.
  • Know your job and that of teammates. 
  • Excel in your role while working to expand it. 
  • The most successful people are 'ambitious givers' not takers. 
  • Stay positive and forward-looking, win or lose. 
  • The currencies of sport are minutes, role, and recognition. Exceptional teams thrive off sacrifice; exceptional lives reflect it. 
At the recent Hall of Fame ceremony, former Athletic Director Sonny Lane thanked his wife Paula and family for their sacrifices - missed time, missed family activities, missed meals. Before you know it, your time runs out. 

"Objects in the rearview mirror are closer than they appear." 

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