Wednesday, October 26, 2022


Elite play doesn't require elite athleticism. But it helps. 

What does elite athleticism help?

  • Vertical jump (helps attack/block/net play)
  • Hand-eye coordination (setting, digging, receiving, attack)
  • Change of direction 
  • Power for attack 
  • Adjustment to the ball 

Here's a replay of brilliant athleticism shown last night. 

Every great player in Melrose history had elite athleticism in varying combinations with high skill levels. 

Elite setters combine athleticism with strong decision-making. Melrose had many including All-State players Brooke Bell, Lily Fitzgerald, and Colleen Hanscom. 

Elena Soukos has a 32 inch vertical jump and skill to match.  

Sarah McGowan blended skill, athleticism, and power. 

What do all have in common? They folded their skill and athleticism into the team concept to make everyone around them better. That is the challenge for every athlete in team sports, making the team better. 

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